Source code for spyral.widgets

import spyral
import types
import sys
import functools
import math
import string
import pygame
from bisect import bisect_right

class BaseWidget(spyral.View):
    The BaseWidget is the simplest possible widget that all other widgets
    must subclass. It handles tracking its owning form and the styling that
    should be applied.
    def __init__(self, form, name):
        self.__style__ = form.__class__.__name__ + '.' + name = name
        self.form = form
        spyral.View.__init__(self, form)
        self.mask = spyral.Rect(self.pos, self.size)

    def _changed(self):
        Called when the Widget is changed; since Widget's masks are a function
        of their component widgets, it needs to be notified.

    def _recalculate_mask(self):
        Recalculate this widget's mask based on its size, position, and padding.
        self.mask = spyral.Rect(self.pos, self.size + self.padding)

# Widget Implementations

class MultiStateWidget(BaseWidget):
    The MultiStateWidget is an abstract widget with multiple states. It should
    be subclassed and implemented to have different behavior based on its

    In addition, it supports having a Nine Slice image; it will cut a given
    image into a 3x3 grid of images that can be stretched into a button. This
    is a boolean property.

    :param form: The parent form that this Widget belongs to.
    :type form: :class:`Form <spyral.Form>`
    :param str name: The name of this widget.
    :param states: A list of the possible states that the widget can be in.
    :type states: A ``list`` of ``str``.
    def __init__(self, form, name, states):
        self._states = states
        self._state = self._states[0]
        self.button = None # Hack for now; TODO need to be able to set properties on it even though it doesn't exist yet

        BaseWidget.__init__(self, form, name)
        self.layers = ["base", "content"]

        self._images = {}
        self._content_size = (0, 0)
        self.button = spyral.Sprite(self)
        self.button.layer = "base"

    def _render_images(self):
        Recreates the cached images of this widget (based on the
        **self._image_locations** internal variabel) and sets the widget's image
        based on its current state.
        for state in self._states:
            if self._nine_slice:
                size = self._padding + self._content_size
                nine_slice_image = spyral.Image(self._image_locations[state])
                self._images[state] = spyral.image.render_nine_slice(nine_slice_image, size)
                self._images[state] = spyral.Image(self._image_locations[state])
        self.button.image = self._images[self._state]
        self.mask = spyral.Rect(self.pos, self.button.size)

    def _set_state(self, state):
        old_value = self.value
        self._state = state
        if self.value != old_value:
            e = spyral.Event(name="changed", widget=self, form=self.form, value=self._get_value())
            self.scene._queue_event("form.%(form_name)s.%(widget)s.changed" %
                                        {"form_name": self.form.__class__.__name__,
        self.button.image = self._images[state]
        self.mask = spyral.Rect(self.pos, self.button.size)

    def _get_value(self):
        Returns the current value of this widget; defaults to the ``state`` of
        the widget.
        return self._state

    def _get_state(self):
        This widget's state; when changed, a form.<name>.<widget>.changed
        event will be triggered. Represented as a ``str``.
        return self._state

    def _set_nine_slice(self, nine_slice):
        self._nine_slice = nine_slice

    def _get_nine_slice(self):
        The :class:`Image <spyral.Image>` that will be nine-sliced into this
        widget's background.
        return self._nine_slice

    def _set_padding(self, padding):
        if isinstance(padding, spyral.Vec2D):
            self._padding = padding
            self._padding = spyral.Vec2D(padding, padding)

    def _get_padding(self):
        A :class:`Vec2D <spyral.Vec2D>` that represents the horizontal and
        vertical padding associated with this button. Can also be set with a
        ``int`` for equal amounts of padding, although it will always return a
        :class:`Vec2D <spyral.Vec2D>`.
        return self._padding

    def _set_content_size(self, size):
        The size of the content within this button, used to calculate the mask.
        A :class:`Vec2D <spyral.Vec2D>`

        ..todo:: It's most likely the case that this needs to be refactored into
        the mask property, since they're probably redundant with each other.
        self._content_size = size

    def _get_content_size(self):
        return self._get_content_size

    def _on_size_change(self):
        A function triggered whenever this widget changes size.

    def _get_anchor(self):
        Defines an `anchor point <anchors>` where coordinates are relative to
        on the widget. ``str``.
        return self._anchor

    def _set_anchor(self, anchor):
        if self.button is not None:
            self.button.anchor = anchor
            self._text_sprite.anchor = anchor
        BaseWidget._set_anchor(self, anchor)

    anchor = property(_get_anchor, _set_anchor)
    value = property(_get_value)
    padding = property(_get_padding, _set_padding)
    nine_slice = property(_get_nine_slice, _set_nine_slice)
    state = property(_get_state, _set_state)
    content_size = property(_get_content_size, _set_content_size)

    def __stylize__(self, properties):
        Applies the *properties* to this scene. This is called when a style
        is applied.

        :param properties: a mapping of property names (strings) to values.
        :type properties: ``dict``
        self._padding = properties.pop('padding', 4)
        if not isinstance(self._padding, spyral.Vec2D):
            self._padding = spyral.Vec2D(self._padding, self._padding)
        self._nine_slice = properties.pop('nine_slice', False)
        self._image_locations = {}
        for state in self._states:
            # TODO: try/catch to ensure that the property is set?
            self._image_locations[state] = properties.pop('image_%s' % (state,))
        spyral.View.__stylize__(self, properties)

[docs]class ButtonWidget(MultiStateWidget): """ A ButtonWidget is a simple button that can be pressed. It can have some text. If you don't specify an explicit width, then it will be sized according to it's text. :param form: The parent form that this Widget belongs to. :type form: :class:`Form <spyral.Form>` :param str name: The name of this widget. :param str text: The text that will be rendered on this button. """ def __init__(self, form, name, text = "Okay"): MultiStateWidget.__init__(self, form, name, ['up', 'down', 'down_focused', 'down_hovered', 'up_focused', 'up_hovered']) self._text_sprite = spyral.Sprite(self) self._text_sprite.layer = "content" self.text = text def _get_value(self): """ Whether or not this widget is currently ``"up"`` or ``"down"``. """ if "up" in self._state: return "up" else: return "down" def _get_text(self): """ The text rendered on this button (``str``). """ return self._text def _set_text(self, text): self._text = text self._text_sprite.image = self.font.render(self._text) self._content_size = self._text_sprite.image.size self._render_images() def _on_state_change(self): """ A function triggered whenever this widget changes size. """ self._text_sprite.pos = spyral.util._anchor_offset(self._anchor, self._padding[0] / 2, self._padding[1] / 2) value = property(_get_value) text = property(_get_text, _set_text) def _handle_mouse_up(self, event): """ The function called when the mouse is released while on this widget. """ if self.state.startswith('down'): self.state = self.state.replace('down', 'up') e = spyral.Event(name="clicked", widget=self, form=self.form, value=self._get_value()) self.scene._queue_event("form.%(form_name)s.%(widget)s.clicked" % {"form_name": self.form.__class__.__name__, "widget":}, e) def _handle_mouse_down(self, event): """ The function called when the mouse is pressed while on this widget. Fires a ``clicked`` event. """ if self.state.startswith('up'): self.state = self.state.replace('up', 'down') def _handle_mouse_out(self, event): """ The function called when this button is no longer being hovered over. """ if "_hovered" in self.state: self.state = self.state.replace('_hovered', '') def _handle_mouse_over(self, event): """ The function called when the mouse starts hovering over this button. """ if not "_hovered" in self.state: self.state = self.state.replace('_focused', '') + "_hovered" def _handle_mouse_motion(self, event): """ The function called when the mouse moves while over this button. """ pass def _handle_focus(self, event): """ Applies the focus state to this widget """ if self.state in ('up', 'down'): self.state+= '_focused' def _handle_blur(self, event): """ Removes the focused state from this widget. """ if self.state in ('up_focused', 'down_focused'): self.state = self.state.replace('_focused', '') def _handle_key_down(self, event): """ When the enter or space key is pressed, triggers this button being pressed. """ if event.key in (spyral.keys.enter, self.handle_mouse_down(event) def _handle_key_up(self, event): """ When the enter or space key is pressed, triggers this button being released. """ if event.key in (spyral.keys.enter, self.handle_mouse_up(event) def __stylize__(self, properties): """ Applies the *properties* to this scene. This is called when a style is applied. :param properties: a mapping of property names (strings) to values. :type properties: ``dict`` """ self.font = spyral.Font(*properties.pop('font')) self._text = properties.pop('text', "Button") MultiStateWidget.__stylize__(self, properties)
[docs]class ToggleButtonWidget(ButtonWidget): """ A ToggleButtonWidget is similar to a Button, except that it will stay down after it's been clicked, until it is clicked again. :param form: The parent form that this Widget belongs to. :type form: :class:`Form <spyral.Form>` :param str name: The name of this widget. :param str text: The text that will be rendered on this button. """ def __init__(self, form, name, text = "Okay"): ButtonWidget.__init__(self, form, name, text) def _handle_mouse_up(self, event): """ The function called when the mouse is released while on this widget. """ pass def _handle_mouse_down(self, event): """ Triggers the mouse to change states. """ if self.state.startswith('down'): self.state = self.state.replace('down', 'up') elif self.state.startswith('up'): self.state = self.state.replace('up', 'down')
[docs]class CheckboxWidget(ToggleButtonWidget): """ A CheckboxWidget is identical to a ToggleButtonWidget, only it doesn't have any text. """ def __init__(self, form, name): ToggleButtonWidget.__init__(self, form, name, "")
class RadioButtonWidget(ToggleButtonWidget): """ A RadioButton is similar to a CheckBox, except it is to be placed into a RadioGroup, which will ensure that only one RadioButton in it's group is selected at a time. ..warning:: This widget is incomplete. """ def __init__(self, form, name, group): ToggleButtonWidget.__init__(self, form, name, _view_x) class RadioGroupWidget(object): """ Only one RadioButton in a RadioGroup can be selected at a time. ..warning:: This widget is incomplete. """ def __init__(self, buttons, selected = None): pass
[docs]class TextInputWidget(BaseWidget): """ The TextInputWidget is used to get text data from the user, through an editable textbox. :param form: The parent form that this Widget belongs to. :type form: :class:`Form <spyral.Form>` :param str name: The name of this widget. :param int width: The rendered width in pixels of this widget. :param str value: The initial value of this widget. :param bool default_value: Whether to clear the text of this widget the first time it gains focus. :param int text_length: The maximum number of characters that can be entered into this box. If ``None``, then there is no maximum. :param set validator: A set of characters that are allowed to be printed. Defaults to all regularly printable characters (which does not include tab and newlines). """ def __init__(self, form, name, width, value='', default_value=True, text_length=None, validator=None): self.box_width, self._box_height = 0, 0 BaseWidget.__init__(self, form, name) self.layers = ["base", "content"] child_anchor = (self._padding, self._padding) self._back = spyral.Sprite(self) self._back.layer = "base" self._cursor = spyral.Sprite(self) self._cursor.anchor = child_anchor self._cursor.layer = "content:above" self._text = spyral.Sprite(self) self._text.pos = child_anchor self._text.layer = "content" self._focused = False self._cursor.visible = False self._selection_pos = 0 self._selecting = False self._shift_was_down = False self._mouse_is_down = False self._cursor_time = 0. self._cursor_blink_interval = self._cursor_blink_interval self.default_value = default_value self._default_value_permanant = default_value self._view_x = 0 self.box_width = width - 2*self._padding self.text_length = text_length self._box_height = int(math.ceil(self.font.linesize)) self._recalculate_mask() self._cursor.image = spyral.Image(size=(2,self._box_height)) self._cursor.image.fill(self._cursor_color) if validator is None: self.validator = str(set(string.printable).difference("\n\t")) else: self.validator = validator if text_length is not None and len(value) < text_length: value = value[:text_length] self._value = None self.value = value self._render_backs() self._back.image = self._image_plain spyral.event.register("director.update", self._update, scene=self.scene) def _recalculate_mask(self): """ Forces a recomputation of the widget's mask, based on the position, internal boxes size, and the padding. """ self.mask = spyral.Rect(self.x+self.padding, self.y+self.padding, self.box_width+self.padding, self._box_height+self.padding) def _render_backs(self): """ Recreates the nine-slice box used to back this widget. """ padding = self._padding width = self.box_width + 2*padding + 2 height = self._box_height + 2*padding + 2 self._image_plain = spyral.Image(self._image_locations['focused']) self._image_focused = spyral.Image(self._image_locations['unfocused']) if self._nine_slice: render_nine_slice = spyral.image.render_nine_slice self._image_plain = render_nine_slice(self._image_plain, (width, height)) self._image_focused = render_nine_slice(self._image_focused, (width, height)) def __stylize__(self, properties): """ Applies the *properties* to this scene. This is called when a style is applied. :param properties: a mapping of property names (strings) to values. :type properties: ``dict`` """ pop = properties.pop self._padding = pop('padding', 4) self._nine_slice = pop('nine_slice', False) self._image_locations = {} self._image_locations['focused'] = pop('image_focused') self._image_locations['unfocused'] = pop('image_unfocused') self._cursor_blink_interval = pop('cursor_blink_interval', .5) self._cursor_color = pop('cursor_color', (0, 0, 0)) self._highlight_color = pop('highlight_color', (0, 140, 255)) self._highlight_background_color = pop('highlight_background_color', (0, 140, 255)) self.font = spyral.Font(*pop('font')) spyral.View.__stylize__(self, properties) def _compute_letter_widths(self): """ Compute and store the width for each substring in text. I.e., the first character, the first two characters, the first three characters, etc. """ self._letter_widths = [] running_sum = 0 for index in range(len(self._value)+1): running_sum= self.font.get_size(self._value[:index])[0] self._letter_widths.append(running_sum) def _insert_char(self, position, char): """ Insert the given *char* into the text at *position*. Also triggers a form.<name>.<widget>.changed event. """ if position == len(self._value): self._value += char new_width= self.font.get_size(self._value)[0] self._letter_widths.append(new_width) else: self._value = self._value[:position] + char + self._value[position:] self._compute_letter_widths() self._render_text() e = spyral.Event(name="changed", widget=self, form=self.form, value=self._value) self.scene._queue_event("form.%(form_name)s.%(widget)s.changed" % {"form_name": self.form.__class__.__name__, "widget":}, e) def _remove_char(self, position, end=None): """ Remove the characters from *position* to *end* within the text. If *end* is None, it removes only a single character. Also triggers a form.<name>.<widget>.changed event. """ if end is None: end = position+1 if position == len(self._value): pass else: self._value = self._value[:position]+self._value[end:] self._compute_letter_widths() self._render_text() self._render_cursor() e = spyral.Event(name="changed", widget=self, form=self.form, value=self._value) self.scene._queue_event("form.%(form_name)s.%(widget)s.changed" % {"form_name": self.form.__class__.__name__, "widget":}, e) def _compute_cursor_pos(self, mouse_pos): """ Given a mouse position, computes the closest index in the string. :returns: The index in the string (an ``int). """ x = mouse_pos[0] + self._view_x - self.x - self._padding index = bisect_right(self._letter_widths, x) if index >= len(self._value): return len(self._value) elif index: diff = self._letter_widths[index] - self._letter_widths[index-1] x -= self._letter_widths[index-1] if diff > x*2: return index-1 else: return index else: return 0 def _stop_blinking(self): """ Stops the cursor from blinking. """ self._cursor_time = 0 self._cursor.visible = True def _get_value(self): """ The current value of this widget, i.e, the text the user has input. When this value is changed, it triggers a ``form.<name>.<widget>.changed`` event. A ``str``. """ return self._value def _set_value(self, value): if self._value is not None: e = spyral.Event(name="changed", widget=self, form=self.form, value=value) self.scene._queue_event("form.%(form_name)s.%(widget)s.changed" % {"form_name": self.form.__class__.__name__, "widget":}, e) self._value = value self._compute_letter_widths() self._cursor_pos = 0#len(value) self._render_text() self._render_cursor() def _get_cursor_pos(self): """ The current index of the text cursor within this widget. A ``int``. """ return self._cursor_pos def _set_cursor_pos(self, position): self._cursor_pos = position self._move_rendered_text() self._render_cursor() def _validate(self, char): """ Tests whether the given character is a valid one and that there is room for the character within the textbox. """ valid_length = (self.text_length is None or (self.text_length is not None and len(self._value) < self.text_length)) valid_char = str(char) in self.validator return valid_length and valid_char def _set_nine_slice(self, nine_slice): self._nine_slice = nine_slice self._render_backs() def _get_nine_slice(self): """ The :class:`Image <spyral.Image>` used to build the internal nine-slice image. """ return self._nine_slice def _set_padding(self, padding): self._padding = padding self._render_backs() def _get_padding(self): """ A single ``int`` representing both the vertical and horizontal padding within this widget. """ return self._padding def _get_anchor(self): """ Defines an `anchor point <anchors>` where coordinates are relative to on the view. String. """ return self._anchor def _set_anchor(self, anchor): self._back.anchor = anchor self._text.anchor = anchor self._cursor.anchor = anchor BaseWidget._set_anchor(self, anchor) anchor = property(_get_anchor, _set_anchor) value = property(_get_value, _set_value) cursor_pos = property(_get_cursor_pos, _set_cursor_pos) padding = property(_get_padding, _set_padding) nine_slice = property(_get_nine_slice, _set_nine_slice) def _render_text(self): """ Causes the text to be redrawn on the internal image. """ if self._selecting and (self._cursor_pos != self._selection_pos): start, end = sorted((self._cursor_pos, self._selection_pos)) pre = self.font.render(self._value[:start]) highlight = self.font.render(self._value[start:end], color=self._highlight_color) post = self.font.render(self._value[end:]) pre_missed = self.font.get_size(self._value[:end])[0] - pre.width - highlight.width + 1 if self._value[:start]: post_missed = self.font.get_size(self._value)[0] - post.width - pre.width - highlight.width - 1 self._rendered_text = spyral.image.from_sequence((pre, highlight, post), 'right', [pre_missed, post_missed]) else: post_missed = self.font.get_size(self._value)[0] - post.width - highlight.width self._rendered_text = spyral.image.from_sequence((highlight, post), 'right', [post_missed]) else: self._rendered_text = self.font.render(self._value) self._move_rendered_text() def _move_rendered_text(self): """ Offsets the text within the image. This could probably be reimplemented using the new cropping mechanism within Views. """ width = self._letter_widths[self.cursor_pos] max_width = self._letter_widths[len(self._value)] cursor_width = 2 x = width - self._view_x if x < 0: self._view_x += x if x+cursor_width > self.box_width: self._view_x += x + cursor_width - self.box_width if self._view_x+self.box_width> max_width and max_width > self.box_width: self._view_x = max_width - self.box_width image = self._rendered_text.copy() image.crop((self._view_x, 0), (self.box_width, self._box_height)) self._text.image = image def _render_cursor(self): """ Moves the text cursor to the right position. """ self._cursor.x = min(max(self._letter_widths[self.cursor_pos] - self._view_x, 0), self.box_width) self._cursor.y = 0 _non_insertable_keys =(spyral.keys.up, spyral.keys.down, spyral.keys.left, spyral.keys.right, spyral.keys.home, spyral.keys.end, spyral.keys.pageup, spyral.keys.pagedown, spyral.keys.numlock, spyral.keys.capslock, spyral.keys.scrollock, spyral.keys.rctrl, spyral.keys.rshift, spyral.keys.lshift, spyral.keys.lctrl, spyral.keys.rmeta, spyral.keys.ralt, spyral.keys.lalt, spyral.keys.lmeta, spyral.keys.lsuper, spyral.keys.rsuper, spyral.keys.mode) _non_skippable_keys = (' ', '.', '?', '!', '@', '#', '$', '%', '^', '&', '*', '(', ')', '+', '=', '{', '}', '[', ']', ';', ':', '<', '>', ',', '/', '\\', '|', '"', "'", '~', '`') _non_printable_keys = ('\t', '')+_non_insertable_keys def _find_next_word(self, text, start=0, end=None): """ Returns the index of the next word in the given text. """ if end is None: end = len(text) for index, letter in enumerate(text[start:end]): if letter in self._non_skippable_keys: return start+(index+1) return end def _find_previous_word(self, text, start=0, end=None): """ Returns the index of the previous word in the given text. """ if end is None: end = len(text) for index, letter in enumerate(reversed(text[start:end])): if letter in self._non_skippable_keys: return end-(index+1) return start def _delete(self, by_word = False): """ Deletes the currently selected text, or the text at the current cursor position. If *by_word* is specified, the rest of the word is deleted too. """ if self._selecting: start, end = sorted((self.cursor_pos, self._selection_pos)) self.cursor_pos = start self._remove_char(start, end) elif by_word: start = self.cursor_pos end = self._find_next_word(self.value, self.cursor_pos, len(self._value)) self._remove_char(start, end) else: self._remove_char(self.cursor_pos) def _backspace(self, by_word = False): """ Deletes the currently selected text, or the character behind the current cursor position. If *by_word* is specified, the beginning of the word is deleted too. """ if self._selecting: start, end = sorted((self.cursor_pos, self._selection_pos)) self.cursor_pos = start self._remove_char(start, end) elif not self._cursor_pos: pass elif by_word: start = self._find_previous_word(self.value, 0, self.cursor_pos-1) end = self.cursor_pos self.cursor_pos= start self._remove_char(start, end) elif self._cursor_pos: self.cursor_pos-= 1 self._remove_char(self.cursor_pos) def _move_cursor_left(self, by_word = False): """ Moves the cursor left one character; if *by_word* is selected, then the cursor is moved to the start of the current word. """ if by_word: self.cursor_pos = self._find_previous_word(self.value, 0, self.cursor_pos) else: self.cursor_pos= max(self.cursor_pos-1, 0) def _move_cursor_right(self, by_word = False): """ Moves the cursor right one character; if *by_word* is selected, then the cursor is moved to the end of the current word. """ if by_word: self.cursor_pos = self._find_next_word(self.value, self.cursor_pos, len(self.value)) else: self.cursor_pos= min(self.cursor_pos+1, len(self.value)) def _update(self, delta): """ Make the cursor blink every blink_interval. """ if self._focused: self._cursor_time += delta if self._cursor_time > self._cursor_blink_interval: self._cursor_time -= self._cursor_blink_interval self._cursor.visible = not self._cursor.visible def _handle_key_down(self, event): """ Process a key input. """ key = event.key mods = event.mod shift_is_down= (mods & spyral.mods.shift) or (key in (spyral.keys.lshift, spyral.keys.rshift)) shift_clicked = not self._shift_was_down and shift_is_down self._shift_was_down = shift_is_down if shift_clicked or (shift_is_down and not self._selecting and key in TextInputWidget._non_insertable_keys): self._selection_pos = self.cursor_pos self._selecting = True if key == spyral.keys.left: self._move_cursor_left(mods & spyral.mods.ctrl) elif key == spyral.keys.right: self._move_cursor_right(mods & spyral.mods.ctrl) elif key == spyral.keys.home: self.cursor_pos = 0 elif key == spyral.keys.end: self.cursor_pos = len(self.value) elif key == spyral.keys.delete: self._delete(mods & spyral.mods.ctrl) elif key == spyral.keys.backspace: self._backspace(mods & spyral.mods.ctrl) else: if key not in TextInputWidget._non_printable_keys: if self._selecting: self._delete() unicode = chr(event.key) if self._validate(unicode): self._insert_char(self.cursor_pos, unicode) self.cursor_pos+= 1 if not shift_is_down or (shift_is_down and key not in TextInputWidget._non_insertable_keys): self._selecting = False self._render_text() if self._selecting: self._render_text() # TODO: This is old style event handling, very clumsy! def _handle_mouse_over(self, event): pass def _handle_mouse_out(self, event): pass def _handle_key_up(self, event): pass def _handle_mouse_up(self, event): """ Update the position of the text cursor when the mouse is released. """ self.cursor_pos = self._compute_cursor_pos(event.pos) def _handle_mouse_down(self, event): """ Handle mouse being pressed: start or stop selecting text, update the text cursor, and halt blinking. """ if not self._selecting: if pygame.key.get_mods() & pygame.KMOD_SHIFT: self._selection_pos = self.cursor_pos self._selecting = True elif not (pygame.key.get_mods() & pygame.KMOD_SHIFT): self._selecting = False self.cursor_pos = self._compute_cursor_pos(event.pos) # set cursor position to mouse position if self.default_value: self.value = '' self.default_value = False self._render_text() self._stop_blinking() def _handle_mouse_motion(self, event): """ Handle the text cursor being dragged. """ left, center, right = event.buttons if left: if not self._selecting: self._selecting = True self._selection_pos = self.cursor_pos self.cursor_pos = self._compute_cursor_pos(event.pos) self._render_text() self._stop_blinking() def _handle_focus(self, event): """ Handle this widget receiving focus. """ self._focused = True self._back.image = self._image_focused if self.default_value: self._selecting = True self._selection_pos = 0 else: self._selecting = False self.cursor_pos= len(self._value) self._render_text() def _handle_blur(self, event): """ Handle this widget losing focus. """ self._back.image = self._image_plain self._focused = False self._cursor.visible = False self.default_value = self._default_value_permanant # Module Magic
old = sys.modules[__name__] class _WidgetWrapper(object): creation_counter = 0 def __init__(self, cls, *args, **kwargs): _WidgetWrapper.creation_counter += 1 self.cls = cls self.args = args self.kwargs = kwargs def __call__(self, form, name): return self.cls(form, name, *self.args, **self.kwargs) class module(types.ModuleType): def register(self, name, cls): setattr(self, name, functools.partial(_WidgetWrapper, cls)) # Keep the refcount from going to 0 widgets = module(__name__) sys.modules[__name__] = widgets widgets.__dict__.update(old.__dict__) widgets.register('TextInput', TextInputWidget) widgets.register('RadioButton', RadioButtonWidget) widgets.register('Checkbox', CheckboxWidget) widgets.register('ToggleButton', ToggleButtonWidget) widgets.register('Button', ButtonWidget)